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How to Write a Cold Email That Really Works + Grab My Sample Email Template


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  1. Hi Casey. Great article. I love the personalized email with a cold email. However, do you have tips for emailing potential clients when you have no prior relationship with them? I have exhausted my inner circle and acquaintances so now I will be reaching out to people I have never talked to.

    Thanks for the tips.

    • Casey says:

      Thanks Sara!

      Approaching a client that you’ve had a relationship with is much easier than emailing someone that doesn’t know you. I still think some of the main principles hold true:

      – Be sincere
      – DO NOT talk about numbers, pricing, packages, special offers, etc.
      – Be friendly and casual
      – Compliment their business

      I would try a couple of templates that you create based on some of my tips and measure which ones get the most responses.

      Oh and end it with a friendly note 🙂

      Example: “If you’re not interested in any of my services right now I’d still love to connect with you on Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn/Twitter because I really like what you have been posting.”

      I hope this helps!

  2. Olayinka says:

    How do i write a cold email to prospects on real estate products?

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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's. 

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