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How to Set a Routine When You Work From Home


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$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Health Coach

$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Coaches

$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Virtual Assistant

$157 - Payments as low as $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Coaches

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  1. makanani80 says:

    Thank you for this article. Great info! I just created my blog and am learning Pinterest, but my routine has been terrible and I feel that I am not productive. I am used to working 9-12 hours a day from my previous job and now that I am on my own, I have to keep myself accountable.

    • Casey says:

      You’re very welcome! It does take a lot of self-discipline to find a good routine. It’s especially hard when you’re just starting out. It often feels like you’re working on your blog every day for no results. Things take time but just keep at it! I like to work in 30 minute increments, that way I’m not overwhelmed with 1 task. Create a list for yourself of what you want to work on and do 30 mins for each task.

  2. […] How to Set a Routine When You Work From Home – Sugar Studios Design […]

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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's. 

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