Creating your own website is a great way to save money when starting a new business. However, at some point you may find that your website isn’t doing it’s job and it could actually be hurting your business.
How do you know when it’s the right time to hire a professional website designer?
I’m going to share the three clear signs that you’re ready to uplevel your website by hiring a pro.
1. You’re Embarrassed To Send People To Your Website
Do you cringe at the thought of someone seeing your website? If you know your website is giving people a bad impression of your business, it’s time to hire a professional designer ASAP.
A while back I had a client who’s website was so bad, she told me she would just send people to her Instagram account instead of letting them see her website. While this seemed like a good solution at the moment, my client was actually losing business for two reasons:
Her business was not being taken seriously because people assumed she didn’t have a website. Her competition had a really nice website and people were hiring them instead.
When someone did find her website, the site didn’t make a good impression. She lost out on work because people judged her business based off of the website.
If this sounds like you, then it’s time to hire a professional designer to help create a website you can be proud of!
2. You Cringe When Thinking About Making An Update To Your Website
If the idea of making an update to your website sends shivers down your spine, it’s time to hand over the job to a professional designer. Avoiding updating your website will only lead to bigger problems down the road – so why not face it now with some help from an expert?
I highly recommend using Showit for my client’s websites. The visual drag and drop interface makes it’s easy to see your website as you make changes!
Another feature I absolutely love about Showit is that you can edit the mobile and desktop site individually so that your mobile site is completely flawless.
If you’ve said to yourself, “I don’t need a professionally designed website because I don’t even get business from my website.”
Stop right there!
Making the excuse that your website doesn’t do anything for your business, is exactly the reason you should consider professional help for your business website.
If your website hasn’t brought you a single lead, you’re missing out on business and there’s a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
A professional website designer will not only help make sure that your website is attractive and functional, but that it effortlessly guides your client through your website and prompts them to contact you at the exact right moment.
Here’s The Next Steps You Should Take
Once you’ve decided to hire a website designer to create your new website, you’ll want to consider these three things:
What is your budget?
When do you want to launch?
Which website builder do you prefer?
Begin by asking other business owner’s whose website you admire who they hired to create their website. You can also look for website designers on Google as well as Pinterest and Instagram. Carefully look at their portfolio and read their testimonials from their clients.
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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's.