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Why WordPress is Better Than Wix


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$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Health Coach

$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Coaches

$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Virtual Assistant

$157 - Payments as low as $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Coaches

Business Tip

Save Time & Money With Templates

  1. Latasha says:

    I’ve read this so many times and sold to make the switch! I was determined to switch from Wix after being there what seems like the beginning of the site to WordPress. I had no clue how to build a site in WordPress even after buying books and watching web tutorials, so I hired someone. Big mistake! The designer never really listened to what I wanted for my brand and just recycled stuff she did for others. I got burned bad because in the end I did not have a built site. Tried to do WordPress on my own. I’ve spent about a $100 in templates and still do not have a site because I can not figure out how to program it. So I understand and hear all the reasons why WordPress is better, but after a year of having absolutely no website with a growing business, I’m ready to switch back to Wix. At least with Wix I can build a beautiful website myself and maintain it myself!

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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's. 

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