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Why You Should Never Text Message with Clients


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  1. Laura B says:

    Great advice Casey! Keep up the great work:)

  2. Crystal says:

    This is soooo true! Facebook messages are equally as distracting too. Since I went to college with one of my potential clients, it just started off that way. But now I’m getting messages all the time, and I don’t know how to convince my potential client that emailing me would be much better. Are there other professional ways to communicate with clients other than email? I don’t know if people use Skype, Google Hangouts or Honeybook to message clients, but sometimes I can get overwhelmed with emails too.

    Thanks for the post!

    • Casey says:

      You can totally block your client on Facebook by “appearing offline” to them in messenger. They’ll never know! ????

      I use email to start off communication and then once a project is booked we mainly use Freedcamp (a PM tool).

  3. Maria Mastriano says:

    I find myself almost hiding when a customer texts… I’m employing the points of your article TODAY.

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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's. 

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