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The Ultimate Way to Tell Your Brand Story


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$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Health Coach

$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Coaches

$157 - PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Virtual Assistant

$157 - Payments as low as $36.75/MO

Showit Website Template for Coaches

Business Tip

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  1. Judith Soule says:

    Such an easy way of articulating your business/brand story!

  2. Danielle says:

    Love this! It’s so true! Your brand story encompasses everything about you – both challenges and triumphs! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is something I’ve been working on and can’t wait to clarify it better on my own website.

  4. Loved these simple steps to solidifying the story behind a brand! I’ve been turned on to StoryBrand lately, and this makes it easy! Appreciate your advice!

  5. […] I created lead magnet forms for all of my blog posts that offered free downloads. Here’s an example on my site of a post with a free download that users must give their email in exchange […]

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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's. 

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