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13 Female Entrepreneurs You Need to Follow


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  1. Morgan Breed says:

    I find it saddening that you couldn’t decide to fit just ONE successful black female entrepreneur here. Do you know of any? Your brand feels very whitewashed and I was loving all of it until I saw this. We do exist and happen to be pretty awesome to know.

    • Fay says:

      Agreed. I love every single woman on this list and they are beyond fabulous, but it’s not representative of the range of creative female leaders out there.

    • JLC says:

      Yes ditto. Unfortunately this list lacks diversity. Very sad on every level. No Asian, African American or Latino. What’s even more sad about this list….Women of Color are the #1 group nationwide of female entrepreneurs. We must do better at including who we really are.

  2. I’m unbelievably honored to be on this list, Casey. Truly. Thank you! Now to figure out how to do all this with a baby boy like you’ve done. 🙂

    Thank you so much for including me (and for finding the typo on our site, too! 🙂 )!


    • Casey says:

      You’re so welcome! I feel like motherhood has made me more productive and I’m really able to prioritize my workload with such a limited amount of time, I’ve heard the same thing from other working moms! You’ve got this!!

  3. Sam says:

    I expected this to be a list full of names that I’d already heard of, but I’ve found loads of new people to research and possibly follow. Thank you for sharing xoxo

  4. Danieka says:

    I started reading through the first few ladies’ profiles and then realised they were all GOLD!! Thanks for the suggestions.

  5. Maggie says:

    It’s amazing, how there is no black female entrepreneur listed on this list…

  6. Shannon says:

    I’m actually going to say shocked not even one single person of color. AT ALL, Black, Hispanic, Indian, Middle Eastern. All of these women are great, but you’re pushing a very exclusive narrative here. I follow many of these women and purchase their products and I’d venture to say many of them would be displeased with this roundup as well.

  7. Cara T Vickers says:

    Your content is very attractive and most helpful.
    Just want to say that black and Asian women are successfuli in several fields including Branding and Marketing.
    This is 2020 …….Female is Female

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I'm a former corporate employee who decided to ditch the 9-5 and start my own business. Stick with me while I share my best business tips, design advice and website how-to's. 

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